TiC high temperature ceramic whisker is prepared by the vapor catalytic chemical vapor deposit useless substrate. 用气相催化无衬底化学气相沉积法制备TiC高温陶瓷晶须。
In the whisker-toughening ceramic matrix composites, oriented whisker alignment is hoped to improve whisker reinforcing and toughening, thus improving the mechanical properties of the composites. 在晶须增韧陶瓷基复合材料中,晶须定向排布有望提高晶须的增韧和补强效果,从而提高复合材料的力学性能。
The results showed that the ceramic coatings mainly consisted of the TiB_2 whisker and the chemical compound of Fe, C and B, and the coatings and the matrixes were metallurgical bonded; 试验结果表明,这种一步性原位合成工艺所获得的堆焊层主要由针状TiB2晶须与Fe及其硼、碳化合物组成,陶瓷层与基体间实现了冶金结合;
This thesis studied the preparation of SiC_W/ NiFe_2O_4 ceramic composite materials by adding SiC whisker for the first time. 本文首次研究了添加SiC晶须制备SiCw/NiFe2O4陶瓷复合材料。
? An advanced ceramic tool material Jx-2-I has been developed by means of silicon carbide whisker ( SiCw) reinforcement and silicon carbide particle ( SiCp) dispersion alumina. The material has the advantage of high bending strength and fracture toughness. 本文研制成功的新型陶瓷刀具材料&SiC晶须(SiCw)增韧和SiC颗粒弥散增韧Al2O3陶瓷刀具Jx-2-I,该刀具材料具有高的抗弯强度和断裂韧性等优点;
In this paper, the selection criterions of ceramic matrix and whisker, and the difficulties in studying and processing composites have been reviewed. The existing situation of typical composites is introduced, and some new research topics are suggested. 本文评述了陶瓷基质与晶须材料的选择准则以及复合材料研究、加工中的困难所在,介绍了几种典型的复合材料研究现状,提出了一些研究课题。
Finite element method was used to analyze the stresses in the whisker-matrix interface of Al2O3/ SiCw ceramic comPOsite when whisker pullout was occurred, the stresses distribution was also obtained. 采用有限元的方法分析了Al2O3/SiCw陶瓷材料晶须拔出时材料中的应力状态及应力分布,研究了晶须拔出时材料界面的断裂模式。
Orthogonal experiments are arranged to show the effects of ceramic fiber, carbon fiber and potassium titanate whisker content on the integrated properties of friction material. 然后,在前期工作基础上采用黄金分割法设计9组陶瓷型摩擦材料初选配方,用正交试验法安排试验考察陶瓷纤维、碳纤维、钛酸钾晶须含量对于摩擦材料综合性能的影响。
The appearance of nano-composite ceramic tool materials and whisker reinforced ceramic tool materials may solve the problem of low fracture toughness of ceramic materials. 纳米复合陶瓷刀具材料和晶须增韧陶瓷刀具材料的出现有望解决陶瓷刀具材料断裂韧度低的问题。
The high performance ceramic friction material is prepared using ceramic fiber, carbon fiber and potassium titanate whisker as reinforcement, cashew oil modified PF resins and NBR as matrix in the paper. Then, golden section method is employed to design 9 original ceramic friction material formulations. 本文用陶瓷纤维、碳纤维和钛酸钾晶须作为增强材料,腰果壳油改性酚醛树脂与丁腈橡胶共混作为基体粘结剂,添加适量摩擦性能调节剂与空间填料开发高性能陶瓷型摩擦材料。